Aliya Chouinard

B.A., J.D., G.D.B.A.

Aliya Chouinard (she/her/Ms.) established Aliya Chouinard Law in 2024, building upon a solid foundation of legal expertise. With admission to the BC Bar in 2020, Aliya's journey began as a Law Clerk at the Nunavut Court of Justice in Iqaluit, NU, fostering a deep understanding of legal intricacies. Demonstrating her ability in the courtroom, Aliya has successfully appeared as counsel in numerous BC Supreme Court trials and Chambers proceedings.

Specializing in personal injury litigation, Workers Compensation Board matters, Strata council disputes, and regulatory affairs, Aliya possesses a diverse skill set tailored to address a range of legal needs. Her proactive approach extends to guiding businesses through the transition from conception to establishment, exemplified by her pivotal role in scaling a retail business from a single location to a thriving multi-store enterprise spanning British Columbia.

Furthermore, Aliya's dedication to legal scholarship is evident through her co-publication of an academic article advocating for the expansion of public authority liability. Through platforms like SSRN, Aliya contributes thought-provoking insights to legal discourse, further solidifying her reputation as a forward-thinking legal practitioner. Explore her work at: [SSRN:]


  • Admitted to the Law Society of British Columbia - 2020

  • M.B.A. (Upcoming), Simon Fraser University - December 2025

  • G.D.B.A., Simon Fraser University - 2024

  • J.D., Thompson Rivers University Faculty of Law - 2017

  • B.A., Simon Fraser University - 2012

  • International Exchange, Sciences Po, Paris - 2010/11


  • Law Society of British Columbia

  • Trial Lawyers Association of BC

  • Canadian Bar Association

  • North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce

  • Unity Womens Network